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Creating a flow from the inside to the outside Crisp White to go with any Home Decor

Creating a flow from the inside to the outside Crisp White to go with any Home Decor

Elegant and Versatile Design:

The crisp white shade sail with matching webbing as a touch of sophistication and elegance to any outdoor area, seamlessly blending with various home decor styles.
Its neutral tone allows it to complement any colour scheme, giving you the freedom to match it with your existing outdoor furniture and accessories.

Superior Sun Protection: Endorsed by The Cancer Council 
Architectural Shade Fabric - Commercial Heavy 430gsm 

Our shade sail material is specially designed to block harmful UV rays, ensuring that you and your loved ones stay protected from the sun's harsh effects.

It provides excellent shade coverage, allowing you to enjoy your outdoor space without worrying about excessive heat or sunburns.

If you need another size, just contact the Shady Ladies for a quote. 

We have a large range of Australian-made fabrics, such as Monotec, products endorsed by the Cancer Council and all the hardware you need to install the shade canopy.

We ship our Shady Lady ready-made and custom-made shade sails worldwide and offer great pricing to our USA and Canadian customers. Please click here to go to our USD website.


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