
Material - Waterproof Serge Ferrari PVC

Material - Waterproof Serge Ferrari PVC

Serge Ferrari PVC Waterproof

Serge Ferrari PVC Photos

We recommend a professional when installng a waterproof Shade Sail. The structural requirement is a lot greater than using sunshade material. Such as post up to 1/2 in the ground and adequate runoff of at least 20% to avoid any water sitting on the shade sail. A Lever block is required to Install waterproof shade sails as the tension need to make it secure and not able to move is great.

Soltis Proof 502 is a highly resistant membrane designed to last over the years. It protects against bad weather and UV.

This waterproof fabric, available in 40 colours, affords creative freedom and is particularly suitable for shade sails

  • Welded seams with a cable around the perimeter
  • Modern Satin Finish 
  • Easy Maintenance 
  • Weight 570gsm

Download Ferrari_PVC_Waterproof_502_Satin.pdf
